Brass framed mirror and motor mechanism 50 x 85 cm 2023

BUTTERFLY EFFECT: STAR7 tampered cinema magazines, Drawings: Alican Leblebici 2022
Produced for the exhibition “Envy Enmity Embarrassment” (2013) with the support of Arter, Butterfly Effect is the other work that has provided the ground for thinking over the various states of video and was eventually transformed with the intention of “bending.” The derivational work was conceived in response to the fact that people who take on performative roles in contemporary art videos, appear to be a means of expression of the artist and become mainly anonymous, unlike actors in movies. The drawings of the people of various age groups and genders from The Butterfly Effect by the artist Alican Leblebici, who was invited to collaborate with the artist on this project, are superposed on the cover of cinema magazines that came out on the year these people were born in, trying to elevate these people to the status of movie stars. As an endeavor to prevent the anonymization of the figures in the video and the disappearance of the magazines, which take a lot of effort to prepare and publish, the work titled The Butterfly Effect: Star tries to create a kind of refraction of time by combining the birth of the magazine and the actor, a brand-new birth and a single body. This work, in which the cinematographic reference spreads from the magazine's content to the titles of the videos, the figures' actions of holding their breath and puffing their cheeks, letting their breaths go with all their strength at the point where they are exhausted is featured as the cover stories of the magazines. Their breath, which is decisive in their life and death, and the "butterfly effect" created by these encounters open new channels of thought on human strength, weakness, and existence.